picture of students



The care and maintenance of Andrews Independent School District's buildings, vehicles, equipment, and grounds is a vital part of the total education process. It is of the utmost importance that the district's operations department provide leadership, direction, and encouragement to all auxiliary personnel.

Each job assignment is important to the overall operation of the school district. Educational research supports the fact that a proper learning environment contributes greatly to student success. Therefore, custodial, maintenance, food service, and transportation staffs, along with the technicians, play vital roles in the education of the children of this community and we take our responsibilities seriously.
In 1993, the board of trustees adopted the Loss Control Program which is designed to make all school employees safety conscious in their work environment. In order to reduce the number of accidents and to prevent on-the-job injuries, all employees must work safely. The school district has a self-funded health insurance program and offers an excellent worker's compensation program for all employees. The goal of the Loss Control Program is to reduce the number of lost time accidents that can cost the school insurance programs large sums of money each year.
The Andrews Independent School District will comply with the regulations set forth by the Texas Pest Control Board. The application of pesticides within the school district require that the Integrated Pest Control coordinator, or the licensed contractor inform, in advance, all persons who occupy the building on a regular basis by posting the spraying date and the chemical to be used. Application of pesticides will be done, when possible, during times when buildings will be vacant for a period of time.

Chris Kraft - Integrated Pest Management Coordinator
On October 22, 1986, President Reagan signed into law the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) which required the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop guidelines and a framework to address the asbestos problems in school buildings. As required by AHERA guidelines, the Andrews Independent School District contracted with PEI Associates of Arlington, Texas, to conduct a comprehensive assessment and evaluation of the asbestos building materials in the district's buildings.

The assessment phase of the study located and identified the asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) and evaluataed their condition. All friable ACBM was abated by certified technicians; other ACBM was encapsulated; while other material was classified as harmless and allowed to remain in place. The remaining ACBM is managed on site by the school district's trained and certified Asbestos Inspector and Manager. The ACBM that is in the district's buildings are inspected every 6 months to see if the condition of the material has deteriorated. If deterioration is expected the district's Asbestos Manager is responsible for taking the proper response action to solve the potential problem.

All ACBM receive a major on-site re-inspection every three (3) years by a licensed asbestos. All inspections are documented and filed in the District's Asbestos Management Plan. The district's Asbestos Management Plan is available for examination at the AISD Operation's Office as well as in the Principal's Office at each campus.