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Education Foundation

Education Foundation
Andrews Education Foundation

P.O. Box 481
Andrews, Texas 79714
(432) 523-3640

"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin

Past Grants

Grant 28, November 14, 2023 -- Awards Total: 17 grants $80,411.60                                        Grant 27, November 8, 2022 -- Awards Total: 11 grants $58,451.34
Grant 26, November 10, 2021 -- Awards Total: 3 grants $12,126.46
Grant 25, November 11, 2020 -- Awards Total: 7 grants $23,123
Grant 24, November 12, 2019 -- Awards Total: 5 grants $13,475
Grant 23, November 13, 2018 -- Awards Total: 10 grants $34,088.55
Grant 22, November 14, 2017 -- Awards Total : 6 grants $33,712.25
Grant 21, November 8, 2016 -- Awards Total : 9 grants $34,636.10
Grant 20, November 2, 2015 -- Awards Total : 8 grants $40,142
Grant 19, November 3, 2014 -- Awards Total:  7 grants $33,147
Grant 18, November 4, 2013 -- Awards Total: 13 grants $53,671
Grant 17, November 5, 2012 -- Awards Total: 7 grants $17,662
Grant 16, November 7, 2011 -- Awards Total: 9 grants $28,947
Grant 15, November 1, 2010 -- Awards Total: 9 grants $29,268
Grant 14, October 5, 2009 -- Awards Total: 5 grants $7,007
Grant 13, October 6, 2008 -- Awards Total: 13 grants $30,486
Grant 12, October 1, 2007 -- Awards Total: 8 grants $21,442
Grant 11, October 2, 2006 -- Awards Total: 14 grants $33,050
Grant 10, October 7, 2005 - Awards Total: 12 grants $31,992
Grant 9, January 18, 2005 -- Awards Total: 11 Grants $45,820
Grant 8, September 10, 2004 -- Awards Total: 24 Grants $23,302
Grant 7, Spring 2004 -- Awards Total: 5 Grants $14,951
Grant 6, February 17, 2003 -- Awards Total: 9 Grants $16,433
Grant 5, Fall 2002 -- Awards Total: 11 Grants $28,746
Grant 4, Spring 2002 -- Awards Total: 7 grants $19,171
Grant 3, Fall 2001 -- Awards Total: 7 grants $14,191
Grant 2, Spring 2001 -- Awards Total: 10 grants $ 26,213
Grant 1, Fall 2000 -- Awards Total: 18 grants $38,224


Awards Total: $763,477.70

Q1. What is the Andrews ISD Education Foundation?

Answer: The Andrews ISD Education Foundation is a nonprofit corporation (501)(C)(3) chartered in 1997 whose mission is to provide quality Educational opportunities in order that all students may become successful and productive citizens. The Foundation operates independently of the Andrews independent School District for the purpose of:

  • facilitating student achievement and skill development,
  • recognizing and promoting staff excellence,
  • encouraging involvement from individuals, businesses and civic organizations in the community.


Q2. Who administers the Foundation?

Answer: A volunteer Board of Directors with representative community membership governs the Foundation as it seeks funds and sets policy according to its bylaws. The Board of Directors is a legal entity separate from Andrews ISD which cooperates with the district to enhance and enrich the educational opportunities of students and teachers of the school district.


Q3. Why was the Foundation established?

Answer: The vision of the founders of the Andrews ISD Educational Foundation was to develop an organization with great possibilities for enhancing and enriching the educational experiences of both students and faculty of Andrews ISD. In order to realize this vision, the founders created a permanent endowment by collecting tax-deductible gifts. The interest from the endowment will be used to provide solid monetary support for educational programs and opportunities beyond the budget of Andrews ISD.


Q4. What are the goals of the Foundations?


  • Encourage all students to work toward reaching their highest potential.
  • Attract, support and recognize teachers for innovative efforts and exemplary teaching.
  • Build public awareness and confidence in Andrews schools.
  • Involve the community in assuring a quality education for the leaders and works of tomorrow.


Q5. What are the Foundation's Program priorities?

Answer: Innovative Teaching Grants - Encourage and reward innovative and creative approaches for instruction which support the accomplishment of the program objectives.

Staff Development Grants - Provide financial assistance to district staff for the purpose of improving teaching skills through summer institutes, workshops, and/or enrichment seminars.

Curriculum Enhancement Grants - Provide funding for special programs for curriculum enhancement at all levels.


Q6. Who benefits from the Foundation's programs?

Answer: thoughts are stimulated. creative ideas are encouraged.

Community...for the quality of life and economic growth resulting from increased educational excellence.

By investing in our children, the Andrews ISD Education Foundation is investing in the future of our schools, community, and society.


Q7. How can I help?


  • By Supporting: Your support may come from contributions of cash, annual pledges, memorial gifts, real estate, stocks, planned giving, or other gifts in-kind.
  • By Participating: The Foundation welcomes the intangible and invaluable gifts of your time and service.


Your contribution to the Andrews Education Foundation will be gratefully received and carefully appropriated to provide education opportunities for the students of Andrews ISD. Simply print the form below, and return with your tax-deductible contribution. Thank you!


Mary Rains
Lauren Williams
Ed Saldivar


Elicia Sanchez
Hunter Morren-Treasurer
Jessica Rogers
Michael Rosales - President

Amada Reich-Vice President
Ashlie Meyers
Irvin Sanchez
Jeff Hatfield
Kari Walinder


Jeff Saldivar
Blake Roberts

Dr. Bobby Azam - Secretary
Dr. John Carranco